What have we managed to do within our project in the Czech Republic so far? Due to the covid-19 situation we haven´t been able to do any outdoor activities or visit our partners in Latvia or Spain. However, we are trying to prepare all that we can and after the situation calms down, we will be ready to hike and travel…
At the beginning of the school year we created a 14-member pupils´ team and 4-member teachers´ team. Children in the Czech Republic and Spain painted project logos and children in Latvia voted for the best one. Czech pupil Radim Křenek won and his picture became our official project logo. Pupils also filled in an initial survey about the project topics.
Then we got busy with real work and started preparing our hiking trips, first at school, then online in distance learning. The first trip is meant to be to Ondřejník mountain and the second one to the Lake Cáb. Children took part in initial CLIL lessons where they learnt information about the trails and also some vocabulary, with focus on geography and biology. After preparing the script of the future video reports, we divided roles and children started learning them. We chose the most important words from each trip and worked with them a bit closer- children painted pictures for our future multilingual dictionary (a part of the tourist guide) and created interactive exercises.
Even if we can´t see our partners in person, we are trying to cooperate as much as we can. Children use the twinspace platform to exchange messages, we exchange our exercises and translate our vocabulary sets… We are planning to have a videocall with our partners just after the covid situation allows our partners to work properly.
We are looking forward to hiking, shooting our videoreports, editing videos, working on the tourist guide and especially to visiting our partner countries, even if we don´t know when it comes… Keep your fingers crossed for us! And see our photogallery 🙂