Children and teachers from our three countries, the Czech Republic, Spain and Latvia, met on Wednesday 2nd March 2022 online at a Zoom videoconference. It was hopefully the last online meeting before we would meet live in Spain in April. We had too main tasks: first, we played a kahoot game focused on some basic facts about our countries. Just for fun.
The more important part of the videocall came afterwards. We wanted to teach each other our mother tongues. It could be useful when we meet, couldn´t it? We prepared a few Powerpoint presentations with some basic words – counting to five, hello, bye, thanks, please etc. Children read it, other countries repeated. Some words were easy, well-known or similar in some languages, but some were really difficult and we had never heard them before! After the presentations we played another kahoot game based on them. Now we know our languages and we are ready to come to Spain!
Mgr. Hana Břoušková