26th May Latvia – street poll

26th May Latvia – street poll

A street poll is an effective way to disseminate Erasmus project results and gather feedback from the public. 

Rīgas Valda Avotiņa pamatskola organised the street poll near the school area.

The main reason was to get to know the public opinion about hiking and whether people know about HEAL project.

Erasmus HEAL project Team created some questions and tool flyers to give people to introduce the HEAL project, the Erasmus Team made an information board as well that will stand out in the street for three days.

Erasmus Team asked individuals who passed the school and briefly explained the purpose of the street poll. Team was friendly, polite, and respectful to people’s willingness to participate.

Erasmus Team asked three questions – whether the individuals know anything about Erasmus projects and whether they know anything about our HEAL project.  90% people gave the answer that they kn

ow Erasmus projects but don´t know about our HEAL project, but 10% said that they know about our school´s participation in the HEAL project. 

Another question was whether individuals go for hiking and 80% answered positive.

Some individuals engaged in nice conversation with Erasmus Team. It was an interesting challenge and experience.

Jolanta Aboltina