26th May Latvia – street poll
A street poll is an effective way to disseminate Erasmus project results and gather feedback from the public.
Rīgas Valda Avotiņa pamatskola organised the street poll near the school area.
The main reason was to get to know the public opinion about hiking and whether people know about HEAL project.
Erasmus HEAL project Team created some questions and tool flyers to give people to introduce the HEAL project, the Erasmus Team made an information board as well that will stand out in the street for three days.
Learning, teaching, training activities in Latvia – feedback
Pupils and teachers assessed the mobility to Latvia that took place there in April. You can see the results attached.
Final feedback and survey results
All pupils who took part in the project filled in a final feedback form where they could express their feelings towards the whole project and they also answered the same questions that they answered at the beginning of the project – questions about our countries. According to the results we can see that most questions have more right answers than they had three years ago but some answers are still incorrect. Suprisingly, most pupils don´´t know that Latvia is in eastern Europe! |Final feedback and survey result
Learning, teaching and training activities in Latvia
15th/16th – 22nd April 2023
Spanish and Czech schools travelled to Latvia to take part in Learning, teaching and training activities. The Spanish team arrived on Saturday 15th because of impossible flight connections the next day, the Czech team arrived on Sunday 16th.
We stayed at the Liberty hotel in the centre of the Latvian capital Riga.
There were 14 pupils from each country, 4 teachers from Spain and 5 teachers from the Czech Republic. Even if we got the grant only for 3 teachers per country as accompanying people, we managed to get 4/5 teachers travelling as there were more teachers active in the project and we were able to save some money.
And what was our program?
Czech mobility – feedback
Czech mobility – feedback
Learning, teaching and training activities in the Czech Republic
19th – 23rd September
The Czech team prepared a week full of activities connected with hiking, nature and environment for 28 pupils and 7 teachers from Spain and Latvia. Even though we had to deal with a lot of trouble, especially bad weather, and had to change some plans, in the end we were really successful.
Learning, teaching, training activities in Spain 25th-29th May 2022
After a one-year postponement due to covid-19 we finally managed to visit our partner school in Spain, Pilas, where we also met our partners from Latvia, Riga. We stayed at a great hotel Lantana Garden, situated in the middle of beautiful gardens.
Videoconference 2nd March 2022
Children and teachers from our three countries, the Czech Republic, Spain and Latvia, met on Wednesday 2nd March 2022 online at a Zoom videoconference. It was hopefully the last online meeting before we would meet live in Spain in April. We had too main tasks: first, we played a kahoot game focused on some basic facts about our countries. Just for fun.
Letters from Latvia
We finally got our first “real paper” letters from Latvia, kids were excited, thanks a lot! Czech Republic.